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Five Star Wirebound Notebook Plus Study App, 3 Subject, College Ruled, 8 1/2" x 11", White (820003AE2-WMT)
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Five Star Wirebound Notebook Plus Study App, 3 Subject, College Ruled, 8 1/2" x 11", White (820003AE2-WMT)

Product ID: 460415254
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LASTS ALL YEAR. GUARANTEED!* This Five Star 3 Subject Notebook is full of features. Compatible with the Five Star study app, you can easily scan, study and organize notes on your phone! Create instant digital flashcards and sync notes to Google Drive and access them anywhere from any device. 3 subject notebook has 150 double-sided, college ruled sheets, which fight ink bleed. Sheets measure 8 1/2" x 11" and are perforated for easy tear out. Tough pockets help prevent tears and hold 8 1/2" x 11" loose sheets and handouts. Covers are water resistant to protect your notes and our Spiral Lock wire helps prevent snags on clothes and backpacks. Made with SFI certified paper. Notebook is recyclable – just remove the reinforcement tape on the pocket and recycle the rest! Available in White. Five Star Wirebound Notebook Plus Study App, 3 Subject, College Ruled, 8 1/2" x 11", White (820003AE2-WMT): LASTS ALL YEAR. GUARANTEED!* Scan, study and organize your notes with the Five Star App. Create instant flashcards and sync your notes to Google Drive to access them anywhere from any device. 3 subject notebook has 150 double-sided, college ruled sheets that fight ink bleed and are perforated for easy tear out. Sheets measure 8 1/2" x 11" when torn out.Tough pockets help prevent tears and hold 8 1/2" x 11" loose sheets and handouts. Two 2-pocket dividers keep subjects organized. Covers are water resistant to protect your notes and our Spiral Lock wire helps prevent snags on clothes and backpacks. Made with SFI certified paper. Notebook is recyclable – just remove the reinforcement tape on the pocket and recycle the rest! Available in White. *Guarantee is valid for one year from purchase date. Does not cover misuse. Go to fivestarbuiltstrong.com for details.

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