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Barilla, Mini Farfalle, 16 Ounce
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Barilla, Mini Farfalle, 16 Ounce

Product ID: 460434167
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Barilla Mini Farfalle pasta is a miniature version of Farfalle pasta, also known as bow tie pasta or bowtie pasta. These fanciful pasta shapes are inspired by butterflies and bring cheer to any family dinner. Barilla Mini Farfalle pasta is made from the finest durum wheat and is non-GMO verified, peanut-free and suitable for a vegan or vegetarian diet. Perfect for pairing with your favorite pasta sauce.Get inspired with Barilla! Enjoy the full range of Barilla pasta and pasta sauces, including Barilla Ready Pasta, Barilla Protein+ pasta, Barilla Whole Grain pasta, Barilla Veggie pasta, Barilla Chickpea Pasta, Barilla Red Lentil Pasta and Barilla Gluten Free pasta. Cooks to Perfection Every Time: Perfect pasta in 7-8 minutes Adds great taste and "al dente" texture to every pasta meal Barilla Mini Farfalle pasta pairs great with intense fragrances and flavors Try mini farfalle pasta with a light pasta sauce with vegetables or fish, a dairy-based pasta sauce, a simple oil-based pasta sauce or in a pasta salad 8 servings per container Made with 100% durum wheat and water Lactose, peanut, shell fish, fish, tree nut, and soy free Suitable for vegetarians

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

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