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DART C53PST1 OPS 5 in Clear Hinged Container, 5.3 X 5.4 in (Case of 500)
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DART C53PST1 OPS 5 in Clear Hinged Container, 5.3 X 5.4 in (Case of 500)

Product ID: 23201166
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Lock in freshness with clear seal's exclusive perimeter seal designed to maximize product freshness and reduce leaks. Bar-locks provide a snap-tight, secure closure while easily accessible gripper tabs simplify opening. Clear seal, the clear choice for accentuating the full appeal of your food with confidence. Perimeter seal completely seals, container for maximum freshness and increases customer satisfaction by maintaining product quality. Leak resistant, prevents leaks of dressings and sauces and reduces cleaning costs. Bar-locks gives audible snap and excellent multiple closure and reduces customer complaints, increases repeat business. Opening tab makes container easy to open and increases operator sales. Grippers on opening tabs provide secure grip when opening container and increases customer satisfaction through ease of use. Label window allows for product labeling and scanning of item right side up and increases efficiency of checkout lines. Registered stacking platform provides greater stability of merchandising displays and also avoids mishaps. Clear packaging allows for pre-packaging with an upscale appearance and enhances appeal of both food and operator. Wide sidewall ribbing expands open view of product and simplifies customer browsing and increases impulse sales. 5.3" Length by 5.4" width by 2.6" height. 13.8 fluid ounce capacity. 3.2' Case cube and 14.7 lbs case weight.

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

1 month ago

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Perfect platform for hard-to-find items. Delivery was prompt.

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Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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