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Merkury Innovations Revive Light Therapy Lamp - Improve Sleep - Boost Mood
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Merkury Innovations Revive Light Therapy Lamp - Improve Sleep - Boost Mood

Product ID: 460442741
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Bring some light back into your life. Therapy lamps help stimulate all the eye’s photoreceptors— like cones, rods, and melanopsin. This lamp operates with photopic light and scotopic light, reducing pupil size and relaxing your eyes. Through light therapy, you can improve your sleep patterns, brighten your mood, boost your energy, and enhance concentration! The therapy lamp comes with adjustable brightness and color settings, so you can customize a unique experience to better match your light sensitivity. USB powered to work just about anywhere for supplementary light in any space. Take along with you for use at the office, vacation, and more. Includes automated timer settings for safer operation. Brightness and Color Temperature Settings: Ranges from cool white light to warm white light depending on personal preference, or natural white if you prefer. Adjust the brightness from 2000lux to 10000lux, finding the perfect intensity to match your sensitivity. The LED light never emits heat and conserves energy. The Revive Light Therapy Lamp knows everyone is different and requires different treatments. Find yours with a simple tap! Light Therapy Benefits: Feel more refreshed throughout the day by stimulating your eye’s photoreceptors with simulated sunlight. When the cones and rods within your eyes are used, your pupils relax and give you more of an awake feeling. Light therapy can help seasonal affective disorder in addition to jet lag, sleeping disorders, dementia, and more. You’ll be feeling its effects in no time! Portable Design: You never know when you might need a bit more light. The Revive Light Therapy Lamp is perfect for on-the-go lifestyles. Compact to fit in most bags, the therapy lamp can come with you to work, on vacation, and more. Anywhere there’s a USB port can be a spot for a quick 15-minute session of healthy light therapy. The light stand slips on and off easily for a swift setup anywhere. Take a little extra light wherever you may roam! Light Sensitivity Test: Depression relief is important, but it’s more important to make sure you find the proper sensitivity settings that are perfect for you to receive treatment. The Revive Light Therapy Lamp recommends testing the light at various distances and lower settings at first to anticipate any difficulties. Operate the lamp for only 10 minutes at about 18 inches from your face upon first use, then monitor eyes for any sign of discomfort. The Revive Light Therapy Lamp knows the first step to treatment is understanding your limits.

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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