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REESE'S, Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups Snack Size Candy, Halloween, 19.5 oz, Jumbo Bag
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REESE'S, Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups Snack Size Candy, Halloween, 19.5 oz, Jumbo Bag

Product ID: 473320456
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Prepare for trick-or-treaters, costume party guests and your own family movie nights with REESE'S Halloween candies. These kosher and gluten-free sweets are the first Halloween candy everyone goes for in the candy bowl, right? Grab handfuls of snack-size peanut butter cups and place a few in lunch boxes and candy dishes for everyone to enjoy. With this jumbo candy bag, you can even share individually wrapped milk chocolate peanut butter cups during fall sporting events, birthday parties and every moment in between. Feeling experimental in the kitchen? Whip up some spooky yet edible Halloween crafts by turning snack-size REESE'S cups into creepy, crawling spiders and scary goblin faces to terrify guests. Your snacks may be spooky but the classic taste of milk chocolate and peanut butter will keep everyone smiling throughout the night. And don't forget to keep a few peanut butter cups for yourself amongst all the Halloween activities! Contains one (1) 19.5-ounce jumbo bag of REESE'S Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups Snack Size Candy Divvy out snack-size peanut butter chocolate candies to co-workers, classmates, friends and family during the spooky holiday season Individually wrapped, kosher and gluten-free REESE'S peanut butter cups packaged in a Halloween-themed candy bag Unwrap REESE'S candy during Sunday night football games, retirement parties, lunch breaks and birthday celebrations Dump REESE'S snack-size milk chocolate peanut butter cups into Halloween candy bowls for trick-or-treaters and candy gift bags for costume party guests Conjure up scary delicious desserts and edible Halloween crafts by turning REESE'S cups into crawling spiders and scrumptious cupcake toppings

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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Zainab N.

Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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Zainab N.

Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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