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Gabby’s Dollhouse, Magical Musical Cat Ears with Lights, Music, Sounds and Phrases, Kids’ Toys for Ages 3 and above
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Gabby’s Dollhouse, Magical Musical Cat Ears with Lights, Music, Sounds and Phrases, Kids’ Toys for Ages 3 and above

Product ID: 681277299
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Product Description Dress up as Gabby from Gabby’s Dollhouse with the Magical Musical Ears. These interactive cat ears look just like the ones that Gabby wears in the show. Slide the Magical Musical Ears on and get ready for adventure. Featuring lights and over 10 sounds, phrases and songs, you’ll have endless amounts of fun. Simply press one of the pink sparkly ears to turn them on, then pinch the left ear to hear phrases from Gabby. To activate sound effects and songs from the show, pinch the right ear and have a dance party as the music plays. Enter Meow Mode by pressing both ears at the same time for pulsating lights and cat-tastic meows. The Magical Musical Ears are the perfect accessory to bring the memorable shrink-me moment from the show to life. Wearing your own pair of cat ears, you’ll feel just like Gabby. Use your imagination to create and play out your adventures as Gabby with the Gabby’s Dollhouse Magical Musical Ears. Safety Warning Use only under supervision

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